Oklahoma Federal Executive Board

Increase the effectiveness of Federal Government by strengthening coordination of government activities.


As part of FEB Forward, an 18-month transformation of the FEB Enterprise which includes the shared governance of the FEBs by OPM, OMB, and GSA, many of the legacy programs sponsored by the FEBs are being reviewed and standardized. These include but are not limited to:
  • Retirement Seminars
  • Leadership and Professional Development programs
  • Annual awards programs (ie. Excellence in Government Awards Program)
FEB FORWARD: Commencing in FY2024, the FEB Enterprise will operate as a Line of Business (LOB), where the 24 CFO Act agencies will contribute proportional funds based upon the size of their non-NCR workforce population. FEB activities (especially the day-to-day management) will be carried out by an OPM-housed and administered Program Management Office (PMO). A similar example of this structure is the interagency Security, Suitability, and Credentialing Performance Accountability Council’s PMO.  This PMO has ensured successful coordination and execution of personnel vetting policy and operations across the shared government enterprise-wide space.
During FY23, the FEB Enterprise will review all legacy FEB awards programs, developing a standardized awards program that will be utilized across the federal government. Many of the practices and procedures utilized by the OK FEB are being strongly considered as part of the FEB Enterprise’s awards program including our nomination and selection processes and the individual and team award categories.
FY2024: The plan is to commence with the annual Excellence in Government Awards Program in FY 2024, with each FEB hosting and executing an individual awards program, but utilizing an OPM approved, standardized program. 

2022 Individual Award Winners

2022 Team Winners

2022 Combined Federal Campaign Award Winners

2021 CFC Campaign

“America At Its Best”

Since 1985, Public Service Recognition Week has been celebrated the first Monday through Sunday in May.  The Oklahoma Federal Executive Board sets aside time to honor and recognize the outstanding efforts of our federal employees and military personnel at the annual Excellence in Government Awards Program.

EIG and CFC Awards Program Information


The performance being recognized must have occurred during the previous calendar year.

(Finalists from the previous year’s awards program may not be nominated again for the same category.  Employees can be nominated for no more than three categories (team or individual).


Below are the categories for both the individual and team awards.

  • Administrative/Clerical
  • Community Service
  • Customer Service
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Government Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Professional
  • Public Safety & Security
  • Supervisory
  • Technical: IT/Cyber
  • Technical: non-IT/Cyber
  • Trades & Crafts
  • Administrative/Clerical
  • Community Service
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Government Innovation
  • Inter-Agency Collaboration
  • Professional
  • Public Safety & Security
  • Technical: IT/Cyber & non-IT/Cyber
  • Trades & Crafts
  • CFC Loaned Executive (Individual)
  • CFC Coordinator/Keyworker  (Individual & Team)
  • CFC Promotions/Special Event Organizer (Individual & Team)


In accordance with the Comptroller General of the United States dated October 9, 1990, regarding the “fee charged for those employees attending a regional awards ceremony and luncheon sponsored by a local Federal Executive Board”. 

“Accordingly, we conclude that the agency may reimburse those employees who attended the ceremony for the cost of attendance.”


Comptroller General Decision_Oct 9 1990_Career Service Awards Program


To view photos and programs from previous EIG awards program, please click HERE