October 21, 2020
2:30 am - 11:00 am -
October 22, 2020
2:30 am - 11:00 am
Resilience is adapting well to sources of stress and adversity. It is often described as our ability to “bounce back.”
Today each of us is experiencing extraordinary demands on our Personal Resilience: How can we possibly find ways to bounce back in such a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous)?
During this 2-day course we explore:
- Why Resilience Skills are more effective in our VUCA world than Stress Management.
- Which Resilience Skills can be practiced and improved.
- The small behavioral steps which can make a big difference in Personal Resilience.
- How my Personal Resilience both supports – and hinders – Resilience in others.
COST: $1,900/person
This course is designed for experienced supervisors, managers, and non-supervisory professionals (typically GS-12-GS-15) and participants will assess their own personal resilience.