Oklahoma Federal Executive Board

Increase the effectiveness of Federal Government by strengthening coordination of government activities.

Councils of the Federal Executive Board are comprised of federal/state/and local government employees; this is an avenue through which employees may participate in FEB activities and contribute to the success of FEB objectives. The following Councils are actively participating with approval of the Oklahoma FEB:

Emergency Preparedness & Continuity of Operations Council: is a standing interagency/intergovernmental entity established to promote the development of COOP plans and enhance our overall emergency preparedness for a wide range of potential emergencies as mandated in Federal Preparedness Circular 65 and Interim Guidance on Continuity of Operations for State and Local Governments. (upcoming meetings and contact information is listed in the FEB newsletter)

Federal Employees Care Council: This council organizes federal volunteers to improve the quality of life throughout our community by partnering with local groups in support of community/charity events by providing volunteers from the federal workforce; and to promote the true image of federal employees as valuable resources to the local community. The council meets monthly (upcoming meetings and contact information is listed in the FEB newsletter).

Interagency Training Council: Meets monthly to keep members informed on the latest opportunities in training and employee development, changes in applicable training methods, and laws and regulations. (upcoming meetings and contact information is listed in the FEB newsletter)

Shared Neutrals Council: This is a cadre of federal employees who have received mediation training and supervised mediations; they are available on an “as needed basis” to mediate situations of conflict existing within the federal workforce in Oklahoma. They meet every-other month for skill-building or to discuss issues related to mediation. To learn more about their efforts and the FEB Shared Neutrals Program, click on the Shared Neutrals button in the menu to the left.